Growth Investment Strategies

Your profits will grow! The famous strategies and all the subtleties of growth investment are with you in this course.

Investment Strategies
TRY 501.24

5 hour 39 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
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  • Getting to know growth investing
  • Evaluating investment strategies
  • Testing famous strategies
  • The right stock investment


Growth investing is the practice of making investments in start-up or small businesses whose revenues are anticipated to grow faster than those of their respective industrial sectors or the entire market. Growth stocks provide investors significant capital value rather than big profits, and as these businesses frequently invest their revenues, dividends are not anticipated to be paid out. Growth investors make money not from profits but from capital gains. However, because these businesses have not been tested, their evaluation places them in the high risk category.

One of the most common investment methods used in stock markets is growth investing, which is covered in detail in this course. Using technical expertise, exemplary growth investing methods will be developed to help investors boost their profits. The strategies of Jim Slater, James O'Shaugnessy, Peter Lynch, Martin Zweign, and Robie Burns will be introduced, put to the test on the Borsa Istanbul exchange, and the outcomes will be revealed. Thomas Rowe Price, known as the father of this technique, and its leaders will also be discussed.


Hünkar İvgen
Hünkar İvgen
Certified Public Accountant and Consultant


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Course Content

14 chapters24 videos5 hour 39 minute total time
Growth-Oriented Strategies
  • Growth-Oriented Strategies36:56
Growth PE Strategies
  • Growth PE Strategies 143:34
  • Growth PE Strategies 2-3-421:41
  • Growth PE Strategies 514:13
Growth PS Strategies
  • Growth PS Strategies 110:35
  • Growth PS Strategies 2-311:54
Growth PNW Strategies
  • Growth PNW Strategies 115:49
  • Growth PNW Strategies 1-206:45
Growth EBITDA EV Strategies
  • Growth EBITDA EV Strategies14:55
Growth EBITDA Sales Strategies
  • Growth EBITDA Sales Strategies22:34
Growth PDDD and Dividend Yield Strategies
  • Growth PDDD and Dividend Yield Strategies30:07
T. Rowe Price Model
  • T. Rowe Price22:33
  • T. Rowe Price Test Results05:43
Jim Slater Model
  • Jim Slater11:54
  • Jim Slater Test Results06:31
James O'Shaugnessy Model
  • James O'Shaugnessy10:53
  • James O'Shaugnessy Test Results04:07
Peter Lynch Model
  • Peter Lynch11:30
  • Peter Lynch Test Results01:54
Martin Zweig Model
  • Martin Zweig15:34
  • Martin Zweig Test Results00:56
Robbie Burns Model
  • Robbie Burns08:01
  • Robbie Burns Test Results04:43
  • Conclusion and General Evaluation05:55

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TRY 501.24

5 hour 39 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms